Stringer Java Obfuscator 1.3.0 (Hemingway) Released

Dear users, we are glad to represent the new version of Stringer Java Obfuscator!


  • The Resource Encryption function now supports JavaFX applications
    The distinctive feature of JavaFX applications is having a lot of files with various resources: css/javascript/html/xml. We have improved our Resource Protection technology to provide safeness for your JavaFX applications on a new level.

    To check out how Stringer Java Obfuscator protects JavaFX applications you can just execute the following command:

    java -jar stringer.jar -resourceEncryption Ensemble.jar EnsebleS.jar

    And than run the protected application:

    java -jar EnsebleS.jar

  • Improved internal protection scheme against popular decompilers
  • Compatibility of applications protected by Stringer with Microsoft Security Essentials