Since 1.0.4 version you can use annotations for a finger tuning tuning of the protection process.
By default, if there are no @secured annotations all class files will be protected in accordance with include/exlude filter.
If you have @secured annotations in a project only classes and/or its elements with @secure annotation will be protected.
You can use @secured on the different levels of hierarchy:
Class - whole class will be protected:
package test;
import com.licel.stringer.annotations.secured;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SomeClass world = new SomeClass();
System.out.println("Hello "+world.getName()+" World! "+AnotherClass.STRINGER_HELLO);
Class field - just field will be protected:
package test;
import com.licel.stringer.annotations.secured;
public class AnotherClass {
static final String STRINGER_HELLO = "I'm protected by Stringer Java Obfuscation Toolkit.";
Class method - method body will be protected:
package test;
import com.licel.stringer.annotations.secured;
public class SomeClass {
final String NAME = "C#";
public String getName(){
return "Java";
You should add stringer-annotations.jar (from distribution) in your class path to use @secured annotation in your projects.
In case of using Maven: add Maven-repository Stringer Java Obfuscation Toolkit and add dependency artifact com.licel.stringer-annotations:
Example of how to use annotations you can find in distribution: samples/HelloWorldAnnotations.